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Georg Eckmayr

    digitally signed ︎︎︎    Surface / membrane ︎︎︎
        Networked Sculptures 

    Machine Languages︎︎︎

    Digital experimental & algorithm based
    Other Work ︎︎︎
        Installations, films, sculpture, …


Info / CV ++
  1. The Viennese Georg Eckmayr is an artist, researcher and lecturer.

    He studied digital art at the class of Peter Weibel under whose supervision he also completed and defended his doctoral thesis on digital images.

  2. Please contact me via one of these platforms below or the email on the CV page.


Lectures &

︎  Recent lectures

University Vienna, Department Theater-, Film- und Media Sciences, Althanstrasse 14 (UZA II), 1090 Wien

2024S VO+VI Structures of the Digital Operative Space - Technology, Knowledge, Speech & Interpretative Authority 
2023W VO+VI Structures of the Digital Operative Space - Technology, Knowledge, Speech & Interpretative Authority
2023S VO+VI Lecture Media History - The genesis of digital operative space - A media theoretical approach
2022W VO+VI Lecture Media History - The genesis of digital operative space - A media theoretical approach
2022S VO+VI Lecture Media History - The genesis of digital operative space - A media theoretical approach
2021W VO+VI Lecture Media History - The genesis of digital operative space - A media theoretical approach
2021S UE Multiperspektiv - Finding digital factual truth, in between science, narratives, identity and algorithms
2020W VO Lecture Media History - The genesis of digital operative space - A media theoretical approach
2020S UE The Ability to Perceive Walls - Artistic research and artificial intelligence
2019W VO Lecture Media History - The genesis of digital operative space - A media theoretical approach
2019S UE Digital Speech Acts: A theory of digital media
2018W PS Proseminar Mediatheroy - Rethink Media
2018S PS Proseminar Mediatheroy - Rethink Media

University for applied sciences St. Poelten, Department Media and Digital Technologies

2009 - now

Study programmes:
Digital Design (MA)
Digital Media Production (MA)
Digital Media Technologies (MA)
Interactive Technologies (MA)
Media Technology (BA)

︎ Papers / Articles / Books

Book Chapters:
Der Akt des digitalen Erzählens - Walter Benjamin & digital Culture, Hg. Christian Schulte, (In publication)

Journal Contributions:
Digitally Signed Art Objects and their Community Driven Infrastructures in the Light of Fluxus’ Event Scores, Wroclaw University Press [in review]

Conference Papers:
2023 A brief history of the signature in art and media culture.
NFTs are not a medium of art but a signing system used to attribute works to an author,
RE:SOURCE – The 10th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology

2013 Unsichtbare Politik, multiple Persoenlichkeiten, elektronische Darsteller, in Next Generation, New Ideas, VWH Verlag

2017 Clickbait Politics - Von reddit lernen @ Berliner Gazette
2016 Clickbait Politics - Im Nebel der Institutionen @ Berliner Gazette
2016 Clickbait Politics - Populismus goes Smartphone @ Berliner Gazette
2015 Totales Sehen im Netz: Wie Medien mit der visuellen Darstellung des Todes umgehen @ Berliner Gazette
2015 (Un)sichtbare Opfer im Syrienkonflikt @ telepolis.de

︎ Symposia / Conferences / Media

2023 Lecture / RE:SOURCE – The 10th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology

2021 ORF1 Magazin Künstliche Intelligenz, Interview

2020 ORF Dialog Forum: Neue Technik - neue Ethik? - Panel discussion

2018 ZEIT Forum Wissenschaft: Vernunft am Ende? Populismus. - Panel discussion, Universitaet Tuebingen **

2016 Ein Millionstel Wahrheit - Talk with Timo Grampes, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Kompressor

2015 Starke Bilder / leblose Koerper. Zu einer digitalen Aesthetik des Todes - Lecture at FotoK Wien

2015 Sinn, Wahrnehmung und Algorithmen - Lecture, symposium Distant Reading und Diskursanalyse at the IWK Wien

2014 Schaulust und technische Bilder, Short lecture, symposium Medien Denken

2010 Unsichtbare Politik, multiple Persoenlichkeiten, elektronische Darsteller - Lecture at Forum Medientechnik, St. Poelten

2010 Truthtelling - Panel discussion at the MUMOK Vienna *

2008 Acoustic Avant-Garde - Lectures Department for Fine Arts and Media Theory, University for Applied Arts Vienna

2007 Foreign Body - Workshop at school for artistic photography, Vienna

2007 Beyond Attraction - Workshop, Medienkulturhaus, Stadtgalerie, Wels

2007 Light Room – Workshop at FotoK school, Vienna

2007 Foreign Body, Comic Strip – Workshop at VWV, Vienna

* together with Tatiana Lecomte, Susanne Neuburger, Lois Renner, Gabriele Rothemann

** Prof. Dr. Karin Priester, Prof. Dr. Hans-Juergen Puhle, Prof. Dr. Lothar Probst, Prof. Dr. Olaf Kramer, Andreas Sentker

︎ Dissertation

Von der Schaulust zur Lust am Handeln

Dissertation am Institut fuer Medientheorie,
Universitaet fuer angewandte Kunst, Wien,
bei Prof. P. Weibel
Georg Eckmayr, 2016 (Abschluss)

Eine Analyse der Aesthetik des digitalen photographischen Bildes anhand von Beispielen der aktuellen photographischen Berichterstattung.

PDF: Link zur Dissertation

Begriffe: Medientheorie, digitale Photographie, digitale Netzwerke, visueller Diskurs, Schaulust,
Bildpolitik, Hybrid, Bildzusammenhang, Psychoanalyse, Bild als Handlungsraum (symbolisch),
Bild als individueller Reflexionsraum (faktisch und imaginaer)