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Georg Eckmayr

    digitally signed ︎︎︎    Surface / membrane ︎︎︎
        Networked Sculptures 

    Machine Languages︎︎︎

    Digital experimental & algorithm based
    Other Work ︎︎︎
        Installations, films, sculpture, …


Info / CV ++
  1. The Viennese Georg Eckmayr is an artist, researcher and lecturer.

    He studied digital art at the class of Peter Weibel under whose supervision he also completed and defended his doctoral thesis on digital images.

  2. Please contact me via one of these platforms below or the email on the CV page.



The Digital Ability to perceive Walls

Custom Artificial Intelligence Software, Screen Captures, Ink-Jet Prints / 2020
>> Creating a perceptive System. The Digital Ability to perceive Walls

Please find a more detailed description of the research aspects Here.

        This project combines art and research approaches. We use a custom made rule-based cognitive system which simulates perception. The questions are: Is individuality an effect of interaction? Can individuality be a machines attribute? Generally: Why do we project human characteristics on non human entities? The broader theoretical background for our project is the conception of human / machine as a hybrid system transforming the humanistic idea of subjectivity.

Technological aspects of the custom made rule-based cognitive system which simulates perception: The goal was to create the most simple algorithm to which the audience attributes the property of perception. We use the Cinema 4Ds developing environment to create a real-time system which lets an instance (a shark) stay within the borders of a pool. The shark's perceptive space is a collision object (a very flat sphere) which detects walls. The shark reacts to this detection by turning around.

All the works from this project were released and minted to zeroone: https://zeroone.art/profile/georg_eckmayr

Screenvideo showing the artificial intelligence at work. It grants the shark in the pool the ability to perceive borders and react according to it. The shark is programmed in a way, that it recognises obstacles and turns if they appear ahead.
The code for the sharks behavior. 

These are tracings of the behavior of the shark. Different individual patterns emerge from various ways to engage with the shark via purposely placed obstacles.

The Emergence of Indviduality through Interaction (A.I., Inkjet Prints)

The Simulation of Individuality through Interactionvia Perceptive Algorithm.

The Simulation of Individuality through Imitationvia Key-Frame Animation.

Further material:

Escape the System via Perceptive Fails. Since, the body of the shark has no density, it passes through walls, if its perceptive system faills to react properly. This happens very rarely.